Ashley Dougherty
April 2023
Labor and Delivery
Chester County Hospital
West Chester
United States




I was nervous, but she helped me feel calm by explaining every step of the way, and closely monitoring us.
I couldn’t have asked for a better nurse to care for me and my baby. As soon as she came on shift during my labor, which was struggling to progress, she told me her plan of how to help my labor progress so I could have my baby. She followed through with what she said. After my water broke, my baby's heart rate started to drop with each contraction. She explained to my husband And me what could be going on and constantly kept watch to make sure the baby was recovering between contractions. I was nervous, but she helped me feel calm by explaining every step of the way, and closely monitoring us. When it was suddenly time to have my baby, she jumped into action. She talked me through the whole delivery. My baby ended up having the cord wrapped around her neck twice. The doctor had to cut it before I could finish delivering the baby. Ashley called for the extra support needed to help my baby, all while continuing to support me keep me calm and continue to explain what was going on. I was so relieved when I heard my baby cry! I felt so thankful that Ashley was a nurse, taking care of my baby and me in this intense situation. After she dropped us off to maternity, she gave me a hug and told me how proud she was of me. Not only was Ashley an amazing nurse, but she was also caring and compassionate too!