Ashley Hatcher
November 2020
Adult Intermediate Care Unit
Sentara Princess Anne Hospital




There were what seemed dozens of other medical professionals around me doing things to me but all I saw was Ashley. I was immediately rushed to ICU. Ashley was there with me during the transfer. She stuck by me.
I was assigned a 5th floor room and was sent for a bleeding test. Immediately following the test I was reassigned to the IMC, where Ashely was the nurse. I thought this was odd but went with the program. Meeting Ashley was a pleasure and it didn't take long after that for things to start unraveling for me. I told Ashley I was feeling dizzy and cold, she jumped into action in a flash, and in what seemed seconds I saw her fading from me. I could see her face but it kept getting further and further away from me. I could tell she was yelling at me with words that said "You are not going to do this to me" being the last I recalled. My spouse tells me I was out 3-4 minutes. When I came to Ashley was the first person I saw and I could see the relief on her face. There were what seemed dozens of other medical professionals around me doing things to me but all I saw was Ashley. I was immediately rushed to ICU. Ashley was there with me during the transfer. She stuck by me.
A day or two later I was still in ICU following a procedure and I was on respiratory life support. My spouse next to me suggested I look out the room. Low and behold there was Ashley checking up on me making sure I was being properly cared for. We made eye contact and I waved at her and blew her a kiss that was immediately returned.
Fast forward a couple of days and I am again in step down. Ashley was working that day and came to visit me in my room. We had a wonderful discussion, took photos together, and parted extremely happy. A couple of hours later I again convulsed and passed out and my spouse told me Ashley was summoned into the room as an expert on my situation. I wasn't surprised to learn that as I was already convinced a higher power had made sure Ashley's and my paths crossed when I was in the previous room.
Following my surgery and some recovery time in ICU, I made it to step down for the third time. The day after arriving I felt a force that caused me to look at the door and in that instant, Ashley came around the corner just to say hello. She was busy with her patients but promised to come to visit later. That she did and I had no doubt that I was in the presence of an angel. Whether assigned to me or not Ashley kept watching over me. As I did laps on the ward she watched intently, I knew I was safe. Upon my discharge, Ashley came to say goodbye. We looked at each other in the eye and we both started crying. We had indeed created a professional and I think spiritual bond.
In summary, I believe God caused my room to be changed originally so that I could be with one of His angels. I believe Ashely saved my life at least once and maybe twice. Since my discharge I have thought many times about all that happened to me that involved Ashley, I am convinced she was there for one purpose: to protect me.