Ashley Rodriguez
May 2024
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Corpus Christi
United States




It was fine because I had the best nurse taking care of my baby that night. Ashely never panicked or let us feel any kind of anxiety, no matter what was going on.
Ashley was the nurse who received us from being airlifted in at 3 am. We were filled with anxiety, waiting to see if our baby girl was stable, and when we were letting, we were greeted by Ashley. She gave us peace in the confidence she had that everything had gone smoothly and our baby was ok. We went to our hotel with a peace that night that she was in good hands. We never felt that at the previous hospital, we were at, and we felt that immediately walking into the NICU with Ashley. Any night that Ashley was my baby's nurse, I knew she was in the best hands possible, and I could rest. One night, my baby was so sick under her care, and she suctioned her for hours. I called her that night at 2 am, and she always assured me everything was fine. It was fine because I had the best nurse taking care of my baby that night. Ashely never panicked or let us feel any kind of anxiety, no matter what was going on.

Our baby girl was in the NICU on Easter, and Ashley dressed her up in an Easter Dress and made us a card with her footprints. That meant the world to us. We couldn’t take our baby home on Easter or even hold her yet, but that meant so much to us. Ashley knew our other children were visiting that weekend, and she made our boys a gift for Easter with eggs, candies, and toys, and that made their weekend. She went above and beyond what a nurse should do every time she was caring for our baby girl.

On one of our last nights there, our baby was going to have some tests done, which gave me anxiety. It was going to be done overnight. I called in to check on her and my nurse informed me Ashley was rocking her. She wasn’t her nurse that night, but she always went to check on my daughter. She is truly the best nurse in the whole world and deserves every award there is. She is an angel on earth and deserves every recognition. We will always have a special place in our hearts for her.

Note: This is Ashley's 2nd DAISY Award!