Ashley Winter
September 2021
Women's Care Center
UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital
United States




Ashley was the ultimate calming, yet powerful presence in the room. From one nurse to another her sense of composure was everything I needed and more.
On the morning of my scheduled induction, I felt very nervous. I had this underlying concern something would go wrong. From the moment I arrived at the hospital, my nurse Ashley put me at ease. My induction, labor, and delivery went perfectly. I even took a picture with my amazing doctor and Ashley to have as a keepsake because it was so special to have them both care for me and to have it go so smoothly. Nearly 30 minutes later everything changed. Ashley was still in the room as the doctor left. I noticed her calmly making phone calls. Soon after several doctors entered the room. I was bleeding more than they’d like and it wasn’t slowing down. It quickly became clear my body was not responding well after the delivery and I was given multiple medications to try and stop the bleeding. All the while Ashley was the ultimate calming, yet powerful presence in the room. She was leading the way; notifying doctors letting other nurses know how to assist, and checking in with me frequently to see what I needed. From one nurse to another her sense of composure was everything I needed and more. Ashley was doing everything possible to put me at ease and every time I expressed a new symptom or concern Ashley immediately addressed it.

After several interventions, my bleeding continued and I needed to go to Interventional Radiology for the next procedure, as this was my last option before a hysterectomy would be indicated. I could no longer hold back the tears. Ashley was right there with me to calm my fears as she reassured me it was going to be OK. I quickly kissed my husband goodbye as he held our newborn son and I was taken for my procedure. I was so out of it but I knew Ashley was right by my side. Even at the end of her shift she never appeared to be rushed or worried.

As I awoke from my sedation I was told my last procedure was a success. I truly believe it was Ashley’s constant monitoring quick action and calm demeanor that kept me safe that day. The events were a whirlwind and it wasn’t until days later, listening to my husband speak of the incident that I realized how serious it was and how different the outcome could have been if it hadn’t been for Ashley and the doctors at UCH. As a fellow nurse, I know the significant role Ashley played in ensuring I was properly monitored and it was communicated appropriately to the physicians. Not only was she there for me and my son but she was there for my husband too. Looking back on the experience gets me quite emotional as I feel blessed to have had Ashley as my nurse and to have been at UCH where I was provided the highest possible level of care. Ashley is a true example of an Extraordinary Nurse!