April 2020
Florida State University, College of Nursing




Autumn just finished her first clinical rotation where she already made a huge impact on one family. An elderly patient and her adult daughter had to make an extremely difficult decision whether to continue care, which would most likely not have a positive outcome or to discontinue care and go home. The daughter was visibly upset and crying outside the room both days we were on the floor during clinicals.

Autumn was able to not only comfort the daughter and patient but was able to help them make the best decision possible. After the students went home, I saw the daughter in the hallway later that day. She stopped me to express how much she appreciated all Autumn had done for both her and her mother. She also stated she felt Autumn was destined to be a nurse and had made the right career choice because she seemed to have "met her calling".

Autumn demonstrated maturity, calmness, empathy, and compassion well beyond her years with this patient and her family. She will no doubt make a positive impact in the nursing field, and for her patients, for many years to come.