Barbara Moore
September 2023
Cardiac Telemetry
Newton Medical Center
United States




Barbara was so caring with my son and with my family. She went above and beyond the call of duty to make us all comfortable.

I observed Barbara when stepping in to help our new nurse. When she admitted a patient who was unresponsive from sustaining a sudden CVA. The patient's family was at her bedside, distraught and unsure of what to do next.

Barbara was with the family offering comfort, and support, and gently educated the family on the decisions they would make. Answering numerous questions in such a way that the family became calm and clearly reassured. They were then able to discuss among themselves the decisions they needed to make to best care for their loved one.

Barbara frequently provides this kind of support to our units’ families and patients, and it often goes unnoticed. I feel she truly deserves recognition.


Barbara was so caring with my son and with my family. Barbara went above and beyond the call of duty to make us all comfortable. My son was hospitalized with stage 4 lung cancer. She made him as comfortable as possible. She’s very friendly and knowledgeable. Barbara shows interest in the well-being of her patients. As far as I know, she is an amazing person and she’s an amazing nurse. Thank you, for taking care of my son and showing love and sympathy for me in the most difficult time of my life.


Our nephew was fighting the fight of his life. It’s hard enough to be going through something so devastating as cancer and at times in a place where people are uncaring. When we found out that he was hospitalized this time, our sister was by his side all along dealing with the harsh reality that she would be losing her only child and had no family to comfort her.

I believe God sent angels dressed in nurses’ uniforms to surround her and comfort her and be his hands and feet. We came from Florida as soon as we could and were here to witness it for ourselves. This staff was amazing. After our nephew passed, everyone from the nurses, to the x-ray tech, to housekeeping, etc. came over to offer their condolences and to offer water and tissues. We are extremely grateful. Thank you!