Betty Seabloom
February 2021
OB Services
Genesis Health System




She gave 2 breaths and started chest compressions. The baby started whimpering and getting his color back. The baby is alive today because of Betty's quick thinking.
Betty is an amazing nurse who always goes out of her way to help others both on and off duty. While Betty was at Walmart she heard a whole bunch of people start screaming. Someone yelled, "we have a baby not breathing, does anyone know CPR". Well, being a nurse through and through Betty took off running. The baby was blue and unresponsive. The mother was on the floor screaming a scream one could never forget. She took the baby and gave it three hits on the back, couldn't see anything in the mouth, baby turning blue. She gave 2 breaths and started chest compressions. The baby started whimpering and getting his color back. The baby is alive today because of her quick thinking. This is the second time off duty Betty has helped save a life. She is an amazing nurse all the time, because to her, being a nurse is just who she is. Always willing to help and look out for others.