Blanca Esthela Montemayor Villarreal
May 2024
Blanca Esthela
Montemayor Villarreal
TecSalud , San José and Zambrano Hellion Hospitals
Nuevo León




Without question, she is a woman distinguished by her character, heart, and values. She has a charisma that is invaluable to people; she never exceeds the limits of respect; she is simply herself, and her personality makes everything flow well.
Dear Blanca,  

My story began when I was transferred from San José to Zambrano Hellion Hospital.  For me, the change was somewhat drastic, and I was going through a sad process, where I did not know how to start in a new place, but in that process nurse coordinator Blanca, told me some words I will never forget: “I don't know you, but I am here to help you with whatever you need, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me, I want you to feel in a shift where we work as a team”, that day something changed in my way of working and thinking. 

When you are new in a unit, not everyone is willing to teach you, tell you how things are done and above all, to do it with a good attitude, so, when you are growing professionally and you meet that kind of people you feel supported, and the truth is that it is very difficult to find people like that. 

Nurse coordinator Blanca, not only for me, but for many nurses, has been a great support during our work day, showing us that she cares not only for the work environment, but also for our well-being; For example, if we have already had our lunch, if we finished our daily work, if we still have things to do, in case there has been an eventuality she steps in and gives follow up. We feel confident opening up to her, and when we feel that way, supported, and in a nice environment, we grow. 

Blanca creates a healthy work environment by bringing us together and make visible our opportunities of improvement as a team, but also if she has something to recognize, she congratulates us, she also makes us reflect on how to do things better to decrease our opportunities of improvement. 

That’s why I decided to nominate her, because I think she is someone who deserves it, not only for the great person she is, but for everything she has done and never stops doing. 

Without question, she is a woman distinguished by her character, heart, and values. She has a charisma that is invaluable to people; she never exceeds the limits of respect; she is simply herself, and her personality makes everything flow well. She has a very beautiful personality; I think that when a person is in a leadership position and cares about her staff, she is an extraordinary person who deserves to be recognized in all aspects; thank you so much, Blanca.