February 2021
Medical Surgical Progressive Care Unit
Carilion Clinic Roanoke Campus




Bobby's efforts ensured that these patients received the education needed to self-manage their T2DM at home due to his collaboration with CDE.
Bobby made it possible to provide diabetes education to two (2) COVID patients last week by working to set up a handoff of teaching supplies to give to the patient in advance, making sure that the patients answered their phones to discuss education plans with them and coordinating a time. Given his extremely heavy patient workload to be available to set up an iPad and be in the room with both patients to ensure that they had the assistance needed to fully understand the testing equipment used in the education session, Bobby was key!!! His efforts ensured that these patients received the education needed to self-manage their T2DM at home due to his collaboration with CDE.
One day, Bobby discharged a patient. After the patient was gone, he realized the patient had left his folder in the room. After work, Bobby delivered the discharge instructions to the patient's house.
Bobby always put the patient first. This year he worked to get Christmas trees donated to the unit so, on Christmas Day, each patient that is here will have a specially decorated tree.
Bobby continually goes above and beyond to care for our patients, once throwing a birthday party for one of our earlier COVID patients since his family could not visit.
These are just a few examples of what he does. He is truly appreciated - one comment from a co-worker was "when Bobby is here, you just know everything is going to be okay".