Brady Wilkinson
August 2022
42 Pediatrics
UF Health Shands Hospital
United States




Brady always checks on my daughter when we’re admitted. Even when she’s not his patient.
My daughter is often inpatient for her autoimmune encephalitis and an amazing nurse makes all the difference. After spending 9 nights in the hospital with my daughter, Carla encouraged me to rest at the Ronald McDonald house. She gave me her direct line to call and check. She got my daughter set up for the night (clean sheets lip gloss shower) and took great care of her. Meds were on time and she addressed IV beeping immediately. She is very kind and skilled.

Brady always checks on my daughter when we’re admitted. Even when she’s not his patient. He will get her IV (she’s a hard stick) and when restraints are needed he is kind and compassionate. He is organized, sterile, and empathetic. He embodies everything a nurse should be for sick children. When he’s the charge nurse I feel a sigh of relief that things will be taken care of.