April 2021
Hematology and Oncology
Dayton Children's Hospital




Brandy has inspired me, she has taught me how to hold the hand of a dying patient or a grieving family member.
This is the second time I have nominated Brandy for a DAISY Award. However, it is for the exact same concept, just two different patients. I have now been involved with two palliative care/end-of-life patients very close to the end of life. Both of those times, Brandy, has fearlessly stood by my side as a nurse, provided support, a listening ear, stepped in to help when it was needed, and taught me and inspired me to become a better end of life/palliative care nurse to these patients and families.
Recently we lost a patient on our unit. I wholeheartedly believe I would not have been able to get through that day if it would not have been for Brandy. I have never seen a nurse be able to so flawlessly talk with a family, advocate for a patient, and ensure everything is being met but not go against the family and patient's wishes. Brandy has inspired me, she has taught me how to hold the hand of a dying patient or a grieving family member. To have the conversation with the families of a dying patient, she has taught me how to get through the process after our family's loss of their loved ones. She has taught me how to never give up and to always advocate for the patient and family and to always ensure the patient and familys' wishes are being met because ultimately that is what truly matters. She has taught me how to lean on my coworkers in these difficult time, and how it is okay to have a cry session in the hallway or med room, but how to pick yourself back up and gain composure to get back in the room and give the kid the care they deserve.
Brandy is a true DAISY Nurse. As I said, had it not been for Brandy, the process would have been more difficult than it already was. I hope one day to be half the nurse Brandy is to the end-of-life patients and families we have on our floor.