Breanna Wiesnet
December 2023
Albany Medical Center
United States




I met Breanna on the day of the test, and she immediately calmed my nerves.
Almost twenty years ago, I had to have a hysterectomy followed by a bladder sling the year after. I also suffered from endometriosis. Along with that came many tests and procedures. I was scheduled to have a bladder test before I could have the bladder sling surgery. A urologist did this procedure in Kingston. It was an awful day. I cried for hours. It was so demoralizing. I even hate to relive that day in my mind.

Fast forward to recent days, when my doctor explained that I would have to have one done. I immediately hit the panic button and described what had happened to me all those years ago. She gently explained two procedures to me. I apologized for crying, but I trusted her implicitly. She is a wonderful doctor. So, I agreed. She said I would be in good hands.

What an absolute angel Breanna Wiesnet is. We spoke a couple of times on the phone before the test. I met Breanna on the day of the test, and she immediately calmed my nerves. She explained everything she was doing. My dignity stayed intact as she carefully kept a drape over me. She was positively lovely and was gentle, and professional. I am so grateful to Breanna. My husband, who was with me during the first bladder test, couldn't believe the difference between the two tests. He was also relieved. To honor and preserve another human being's dignity and self-esteem is irreplaceable.

Breanna reminded me of my son. He is an RN, a Paramedic, and a Fireman. In this family, we know all about first responders and coming to the aid of people in need. More often than not, their roles are taken for granted. People do forget how to say thank you. Naturally, the true, dedicated professional first responders are in it to genuinely help others and not for the 'glory.' I am proud to say that I am a mom of a dedicated first responder. Because of this, I can see true devotion, passion, and appreciation for their work.