Brian Wharry
May 2024
Nursing Administration
St. Elizabeth Boardman Hospital
United States




No matter your role within the ministry, he will always be there to support any issues or problems that arise.
This nurse has been a part of the ministry for 14 years and held various leadership roles. He has been a great role model to everyone that he leads and those he has encountered. This is evident by always preaching an open door policy, never missing the opportunity to support staff, and continuing to promote and preach the values of the ministry. No matter your role within the ministry, he will always be there to support any issues or problems that arise. Should you ever have a meeting with him to solve an issue, you will leave with a few things. The first thing will be a resolution plan. Secondly, the positive feeling of knowing that your voice was heard and understood. Lastly, is his cell phone number. He always wants to ensure that everyone has his contact information so that should any problems arise, he will be easily contacted for resolution. 

A perfect example of how he is always supportive of staff in the ministry, couldn't be better explained other than by the events leading him to come back to work at midnight. During an extremely high census week, and numbers continually increasing, Brian was called at midnight for support and ideas to help us care for more patients. At that time, he decided to open a floor to help decompress the emergency department and be able to provide for more patients.  He decided right at that time that he was coming into the hospital.  He worked alongside the staff to help determine patients that could be downgraded and then physically moved these patients to the floor we opened.  He helped move inpatient holds to the empty rooms all in effort to get patients out of the ED.  This is only one example of how supportive Brian is to the hospital and the patients we see.  

When thinking of Brian and all he has done for our ministry, the only thing that will overshadow this, is what he has done for all of his staff members. We can truly say that he is one of a kind and has left a mark on everyone he has met. For this reason, we feel as if he is deserving of the DAISY Nurse Leader Award.