May 2019
American River College, Health & Education Nursing
United States




Nursing School is challenging, overwhelming and rewarding. It requires excellent time management skills, sacrifice and commitment. Students are acquiring skills that will impact the life and health of others, mastery is all you will accept. Nursing school is competitive. The pressures associated with class load, clinicals, exams and job availability can make it easy for students to lose sight of the art of caring while learning the science of nursing. And yet they don't. Students with a true calling to nursing never lose sight of the fact that they are treating a human being who needs all the sensitivity and compassion they can bring to them while they are in the height of emotion and most vulnerable. This semester's recipient of ARC's first DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing Students has gone above and beyond being "just a nursing student". Brianna has taken on a leadership role, becoming a driving force in the Student Nursing Association. She is a patient advocate and a peer advocate and doesn't hesitate to question for clarity for self and others. When many students can barely manage keeping up with the rigors of the program, this student has managed to commute from quite a distance and has kept up her job as an LVN. Her commitment to patient centered care is evident.