Bridget Bernard
December 2023
Baptist Medical Center Beaches
Jacksonville Beach
United States




Her spirit and dedication to patient safety and satisfaction are commendable and should be exemplified throughout the hospital on all units.  She is fearless, never backing down from the toughest of patients while showing them all individualized care, whether it is gentle care, humor, or tough love.
Bridget and I had worked our normal 12-hour shift in the surgical services area, and we had gotten called back into work before our day shift was even over. After working all day, Bridget came into her on-call shift ready to work. PACU was holding 4 patients due to no beds being available and staffing issues. In addition, we had a case in the OR underway, as well as a case that still needed to start in the OR. Both of those cases still needed to be recovered in PACU. Despite being short-staffed and having the stress of having an array of patients in the PACU, Bridget had a smile on her face and truly treated every patient with extraordinary care. Bridget demonstrated compassionate and extraordinary care when she noticed one patient had not eaten all day except for crackers after his procedure. This particular patient had a complication after his initial procedure and needed to undergo a second procedure the same day. So, it is easy to say this patient was famished, and the cafeteria was closed due to it being after hours. Us working in the surgical area, we are not able to provide patients a large array of food options (all we have are crackers). Bridget took it upon herself to go to the cafeteria and buy the patient a gourmet sandwich, chips, and a bottled soda. The patient was not complaining to trigger her to buy these items, but she wanted to provide the patient with something that would make him comfortable and his stay more enjoyable. Under these tough circumstances, Bridget was able to make a negative situation into a positive. The patient was so thankful that Bridget went out of her way and used her own money to provide him with food. This is just one example of the compassionate, high quality and extraordinary care Bridget provides her patients on a daily basis. 


Bridget is an Extraordinary Nurse with numerous exemplary years of service.  Her consistency of going above and beyond with each and every patient makes it seem common practice as it comes to her with ease due to her incredible nursing skills and ability to adapt her approach to care to each individual's need.  She boosts morale in our department.  For example, she provides candy and treats weekly to Preop and PACU, spending her own time and money to keep her teammates sugared up.  She also started a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree last year.  The patients waking up in PACU had so many positive comments that the unit decided to keep it and she orders ornaments monthly out of her own budget and decorates it for each holiday such as Valentine's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc.

Bridget most recently was recovering a patient who had undergone a transesophageal echocardiogram. The cardiologist spoke with the patient afterward and ordered them to get a blood pressure cuff and pulse ox for home. The patient told Bridget she would be unable to get those items for herself.  Bridget ordered those items using her unused WEX balance and had them delivered to her. 

I have also witnessed her playing music to soothe agitated patients or patients suffering from PTSD to calm them when waking up from anesthesia, which can be a frightening experience.  She takes the extra step to meet each patient's needs.    

Bridget's laugh is heard throughout the unit. She is respected by all of her peers and physicians.  It is noticeable when she is not here. Her peers rely on her as she is often the go-to person when there is a patient that is a 'tough stick.'  Her spirit and dedication to patient safety and satisfaction are commendable and should be exemplified throughout the hospital on all units.  She is fearless, never backing down from the toughest of patients while showing them all individualized care, whether it is gentle care, humor, or tough love. She jumps in to help her teammates when they need assistance or just some encouragement.    

Not only is Bridget an amazing nurse, she makes other nurses around her better by sharing her experience and skills.  Our unit and our patients are lucky to have her. 


I just wanted to take a minute to recognize one of our coworkers who has noticeably gone above and beyond for our department and our patients. This nurse bends over backward for her patients every day, but one, in particular, stood out recently. There is a patient who has now had countless surgeries with us to try to save her leg from amputation. This has obviously been both physically and emotionally taxing for this person. This nurse selflessly volunteers to take over care for this patient every single time, regardless of her workload in that moment.  She has acted as a nurse, therapist, and friend to this person who was falling into depression about her situation. She takes time after work to go upstairs and visit with her, get her up out of bed, and has on multiple occasions, helped to just bathe, clean, and brush her hair. I have seen a huge difference in this patient's demeanor due to this. I can't remember the last time I saw such selfless acts performed by one person. 

On top of that, this nurse spends countless dollars of her own money to buy snacks and candy for the department and never asks for thanks. She is a true caregiver and a wonderful nurse and human being. Just thought that it should recognized.