Britney Wilkinson
May 2020
Float Pool
Augusta University Medical Center




Britney has demonstrated over and over again her invaluable commitment to our organization along with a true and unwavering dedication to our community.
Britney's skill and expertise are sought and welcomed in any unit she works. Those who work with her truly respect and take great comfort in knowing she is on our team. But through this pandemic, she has stepped up in a big way. Last week we launched a new partnership and Britney accepted an appointment requiring her to relocate away from her family for several months so that the residents of Albany can receive assistance. Britney has demonstrated over and over again her invaluable commitment to our organization along with a true and unwavering dedication to our community, eager to serve in any capacity that is needed. Britney has been on the front lines since the beginning of the pandemic in our area. She inspires me to be a better nurse. She exemplifies a true DAISY Nurse.