Brittany Davis
May 2022
Shelby Baptist Medical Center
United States




I know Brittany's kindness and caring are part of the reason my dad recovered as well as he did.
My 79-year-old father was put into a room that Brittany was responsible for via two days spent in the E.R. My 84-year-old mother was with him and exhausted after spending 2 nights on the floor. When I arrived from out of state, Brittany provided me with the information I needed. She always introduced us to the next group of care givers. She encouraged my mom to leave the hospital, she took down my phone number to call of sudden changes. Regardless of the tasks, she was always upbeat kind and positive. She always checked on my mom. If we need anything, she provided it quickly and efficiently. She knew we were worried. She alwasy pointed out the positives of each day. If doctor speak was confusing, she brought it down to our level. To see her face relaxed us because we knew we were in good hands. She lifted spirits, she prayed, she was generous, kind, and loving under a situation where her patient was sometimes frightened and not always the happiest. I know her kindness and caring are part of the reason my dad recovered as well as he did. She exemplifies what being a nurse means! The patients and their families come first - always!