Brittany Dykes
December 2022
Genesis Health
United States




It was Brittany, standing there giving me the strength and support so I could do the right thing.
All of your ICU nurses and staff were exceptional throughout that day and into the evening. I do have to single out one of your staff that was particularly incredible: Brittany Dykes. From the time she started her shift Friday afternoon, she kept me up to date with what medications they were giving him, provided me with detailed and understandable explanations for why he was receiving these treatments, how they worked, and what they were doing for him.

But beyond the technical aspects, Brittany went above and beyond in my opinion as she cared for our father, our family, and in particular, the care she provided me. She was compassionate and caring as I paced the ICU. She provided the support I needed as I contacted family members to keep them apprised of what was happening. Once the doctor informed me that he didn't think Dad would make it till morning. I contacted family as far as Minneapolis and Branson, and it was Brittany who helped to get those family members into the ICU that night, and brought them up to speed as they arrived, enabling them to accept that it was time to say their final goodbyes.

When the time came that I had to sign the paperwork to shift Dad's treatment to comfort care, knowing that this was the end even though there was still family who had not arrived, it was Brittany, standing there giving me the strength and support so I could do the right thing. About an hour later, when my sister arrived, Brittany walked through all the steps that had been taken and gave my sister the peace of mind that Dad had done everything he could to hold on for her, but in the end, he passed peacefully. Then, with tears in her eyes, she looked at my family members and said, "Your family is so lucky. This room was filled with love the entire night." She didn't have to share these words, but they will be cherished by our family. Dad would not have wanted it any other way and for her to affirm that experience meant the world to us.

Brittany was a shining star on one of the most difficult nights of our lives. I can't express enough to you how fortunate Genesis is to have Brittany on the ICU team, what an exceptional job she did that night, and maybe more importantly, her willingness to go above and beyond just doing her job and instead being simply an outstanding human being to our entire family. On behalf of our entire family, we wish to thank Brittany and all of the ICU staff that night.