Brooke Carlson
September 2023
Women's Health and OB Services
Aurora Medical Center Oshkosh
United States




To us, Brooke felt like our personal nurse and doula that night. She felt like family by the time our daughter had arrived.
Brooke was truly our angel. My husband and I arrived at the labor and delivery floor on Monday night and were greeted by a couple of nurses, but Brooke was the lead nurse for us. Brooke saw that my birth plan was to go unmedicated, which from our experience through pregnancy had been met with some very unsupportive comments, but this was not the response we received from Brooke. Brooke’s response was, “Awesome, let’s do this!”. These were the first of many comforting interactions with Brooke. Throughout the long night of laboring, Brooke left our side for what seemed to be a total of 15 minutes. She provided support to both my husband and me throughout every contraction which included back massages as I experienced extreme back labor pains the entirety of my labor. When someone offered to tag in during the massaging, Brooke response was, “No, this is my workout.” Never once did we hear Brooke complain about her hands being sore even though they were probably numb! To us, Brooke felt like our personal nurse and doula that night. She felt like family by the time our daughter had arrived. We would not have had the experience we did if she had been in any other room with any other patient (and the labor team delivered five kiddos that night!). Brooke was truly a blessing, and a God send for our family. It is hard to put into words the gratitude. We hold in our heart for her actions and care.