Brooke Dorsey
September 2022
Clinical Education
CHRISTUS Shreveport Bossier Health System
United States




She demonstrated care and compassion. She had patience and took time with him and our family to provide us with information and reassurance.
Her concern was AWESOME!! She made sure we understood his status of where my father was in his care and where he came from. She took time to explain his medications. She made sure she got him comfortable. She worked HARD!!

When we called to gain a little more information, the daughter expressed they had been here for about a week and had many challenging situations. When they met this nurse, they had been here about a week. She was exactly what we needed. She was AMAZING. She demonstrated care and compassion. She had patience and took time with him and our family to provide us with information and reassurance.

Through tears, the daughter said, “I can hardly put into words what this nurse and her care meant to us that day.” Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to this patient and their family.


I cannot say enough about Brooke Dorsey. I have had the honor of working with her at the bedside and now I get to have her support as our Clinical Educator. In times of need, Brooke is there--For me, my associates, and our patients & their families. She listens. She is giving. Her gentle, kind leadership is a priceless gift. Brooke is one of the most brilliant nurses I have ever worked with. She is always on a mission, a passionate pursuit to see to it, personally that her patients have the best outcomes and that the staff is supported in such a way that their success is inevitable.

Brooke treats EVERY patient and family member as if they are her top priority. She treats them this way, because they ARE her top priority. And treats our team no differently. She works tirelessly; staying late, coming in early, offering her support in any way that she can. . . even working the floor in staffing should we need it. She is a gift to me personally but I have no doubts that she is a gift to many others. THIS IS BROOKE DORSEY. It’s who she is. And we are so very lucky to have a nurse like Brooke within our ministry. There is none more deserving.


There are many things that Brooke Dorsey does well, but one of the things she excels at is taking care of people. The privilege of being cared for by Brooke has no boundaries and is extended to her coworkers, the staff on the units she serves, and especially, her patients. Often, when the units are short-staffed, Brooke is the first to volunteer to pick up a nursing shift. This allows her to assist her team in many ways besides staffing. She stays current in her skills and is able to witness the barriers that clinical staff encounter throughout their shifts. She focuses on providing real-time training and developing a rapport with her teams during these times. When planning education initiatives or brainstorming solutions, Brooke is always focused on the patient and their outcomes. She connects the dots between process and patient care and her enthusiasm for quality care is contagious. I often joke that if I am ever admitted, she will have to come be my nurse as I know she will be able to stay on top of everything all at once.

Brooke lives out the CHRISTUS Core Value of Integrity in all that she does, never taking the easy route and always ensuring that all patient (and associate) needs are met. She works wonders with physicians and case management in participating in post-discharge planning. Most importantly, Brooke is acutely aware of the emotional and psychological needs of others. She is able to masterfully empathize with others and see beyond the immediate situation. There have been countless times where Brooke is able to see a different side of a situation by considering the whole picture, instead of a snapshot of an event. I am so grateful to serve on a team with Brooke and am blessed to be able to learn from her daily.