C. Stephen Wells
November 2019
C. Stephen
Medical ICU
Rapides Regional Medical Center
United States




Stephen Wells, a five-year LPN, was recently hired into the intensive care unit as a new graduate RN. His compassion, knowledge, and drive were evident from the first day we met, leaving no doubt that he would be a great asset to the Medical ICU and to Rapides. This man not only brings these qualities to work every day, but also exudes these in his daily life.
On a hot summer afternoon at Best Buy, with his family in tow, Stephen and another bystander answered the call. Upon walking through the parking lot, Stephen and the bystander noticed a young man slumped over on the steering wheel of his truck. They tapped on the window and got no response from the man. They opened the door of the truck and found the man to be unresponsive. Stephen and the bystander pulled the man out of the truck.
At this point, Stephen's knowledge and experience kicked in and without hesitation, he checked for a pulse and began CPR as the bystander assisted with resuscitation efforts. Stephen directed someone to call 911 while he continued resuscitation on the young man until help arrived. When the first responder arrived, Stephen identified himself as a nurse and offered his continued help to save this young man's life, as the first responder was alone and overwhelmed. They got the young man's pulse back as additional help was arriving, giving him a fighting chance at survival.
Many nurses spend time imagining what he or she would do if a situation presented itself like this one, oftentimes playing it out in their minds. Stephen was heroic on that hot summer day in the parking lot of Best Buy. He sprang into action without hesitation and put his knowledge and compassion on display, living up to what we all hope we can be. His knowledge, compassion, and humility were instrumental in saving this young man's life. These are the qualities and actions that exemplify what it truly means to be a nurse.
I couldn't be prouder of Stephen for his life-saving efforts and look forward to the great things he will bring to the Medical ICU team and to Rapides. He is not only an amazing asset to this hospital, but also to this community as evidenced by his heroic, life-saving measures.