Callee White
November 2019
PCU-3 North
CHI Franciscan Health - St. Anthony Hospital
Gig Harbor
United States




Callee responded to a code gray. The patient was sitting on the edge of the bed and was truly having an incredibly bad start to her morning. Being in the hospital and all of the worries and concerns and loss of personal space that comes with being an inpatient were heavily affecting her. Callee recognized this was not the response of someone who was ready to commit an act of violence; it was someone who needed a compassionate response and to just be heard.
Callee picked up on this immediately and changed her response to one of what could they do to help this human being in a time of need. My suspicion is Callee is one of the kindest, caring people you would ever know. Her response was not one of a person who is a nurse to cash a check, it was one of a person who sees another person in need and immediately moves to help them. Her being a nurse is just an outlet for her core personality.
Further into the response after the patient had moved safely into the bed, Callee kneeled beside the patient and said, "What can we do to help, we are going to help you." Wow. I am not a nurse. However, what Callee said to this person in her time of need to me, encompasses what being a nurse means. Callee led one of the kindest, most compassionate human responses to another person I have witnessed. Her simple, caring human act not only helped this patient in need, but it also changed the entire day for several people who were fortunate enough to be a part of this amazing act of kindness.