Camille A
May 2023
Camille A
University of Minnesota School of Nursing
United States




Founded on a commitment to equity, Dr. Brown strives to promote equity across her research, her teaching, and her service to the profession.
In Camille Brown's everyday life, she embraces health equity, social justice, anti-racism, and cultural humility. She consistently demonstrates to students, faculty colleagues, and community members the importance of equity-minded nursing and how it should be infused into practice, policy, research, and education.

Founded on a commitment to equity, Dr. Brown strives to promote equity across her research, her teaching, and her service to the profession. Dr. Brown's research seeks to center the experiences of marginalized populations including queer and trans young people and seeks to address the harmful impact of discrimination and systemic oppression. For instance, she is currently working on a project that seeks to describe the use of multiple gender identity labels among transgender and gender-diverse youth in Minnesota and provide recommendations for how the data should be used by researchers in order to avoid further marginalization. This important work highlights the real-world impact that Dr. Brown’s research has on often-overlooked populations. In addition to this important work, Dr. Brown led a team for a funded National Opinion Research Center rapid systematic review on sexual and reproductive health delivered via telehealth. The resulting report submitted at the end of 2022 emphasized how minoritized groups were represented (or not represented) within the literature. I was fortunate to be on the team and learned so much from working with Camille. During the process, Camille emphasized how what we were finding directly related to health equity and social justice. Her interactions with graduate research assistants were masterful and it was clear that they were learning as much from her as I was.

Her equity lens extends to her role as a teacher. In courses she teaches, she ensures that all students feel welcome and have what they need to be successful. This includes providing feedback to students designed to deepen their understanding of how bias manifests in individual, family, community, and systems levels. In 2022, she also provided tailored guest lectures for students across all four programs addressing how to provide inclusive health care to LGBTQ populations. Dr. Brown, along with colleagues (M. Ruud, B. Peterson, S. Smith), is building an interdisciplinary course on providing affirming care to LGBTQ populations. In her service to the profession, she has found the opportunity to promote diversity and visibility within MNRS on a strategic task group revitalizing the organization's mission and vision.

Dr. Camille Brown is a credit to the School of Nursing. She is committed to integrating the understanding of health equity, social justice, anti-racism, and cultural humility into all her work. She teaches and inspires those around her and makes us all better in the process.