Candace S Smith
June 2023
Candace S
Cape Coral Hospital
Lee Health Cape Coral Hospital
United States




Despite her busy schedule, Candace is always accessible, available, and responsive to the needs of her team.
We have known Candace now for over 3 years, and she is the embodiment of a DAISY Nurse Leader. Always thinking of others, putting others first, and always for the betterment of others and most importantly our patients. She never wavers in her thoughtfulness, kindness, compassion, care, and concern to make sure everyone is taken care of, fulfilled, inspired, always learning, growing, giving of themselves, and most of all taking care of themselves as well.

Despite her busy schedule, Candace is always accessible, available, and responsive to the needs of her team. All of us here can share stories of how she has impacted our lives, whether professionally or personally. She encourages problem-solving and critical thinking, whether it is how to get the fancy coffee to the second floor and find an outlet, to overflow of patient’s post-pandemic. She is a constant advocate for Cape Coral Hospital and ensures the needs of each unit, team, and staff member are being communicated to organizational leadership, organizational priorities, and that directions and changes are being made based on every single person’s input.

Candace loves to lead by example, developing others with a positive outlook, gratitude, and thankfulness in every situation no matter how bleak, with valued qualities we all want to imbue. She is a role model for transformational and authentic leadership, creating an environment that fosters care and compassion. Candace has earned the trust of everyone in this room and those caring for our patients at the hospital right now, with her compassion, mutual respect, continued professional development, and ethical behavior despite the ever-changing nursing landscape. She motivates staff with her shared vision and enthusiasm for excellence to make and achieve better outcomes for us, through a healthy work environment to better patient outcomes. Candace is a mentor to many and continually promotes and enhances the image of nursing within our organization, Lee Health, our community, and the nursing profession.

So, I end this nomination with a quote from John 15:13, which I think could not better showcase and succinctly describe Candace, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”. We are not only your colleagues or staff members but your lifelong friends and cheerleaders and will always be with you, cheering you on. Thank YOU for all you do for us…