Cara Stahlecker
November 2020
6West Med/Surg
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System




Cara has that unique combination of extreme professionalism and a disarming empathetic personality.
I'm 72, a diabetic, I have anxiety issues, am obese with COPD. I wasn't feeling well so I went to urgent care thinking its HTN or diabetic related. After hours of tests, I was told I needed to immediately go to the hospital due to high troponin levels. After going to the VA ER it didn't take long before those scary words were said, "You're going to be admitted". For someone with anxiety who hasn't been admitted to the hospital for 30 years and for the first time being told it was regarding my heart, being frightened is an understatement. The trip from the ER to my room seemed to take forever but shortly a team of nurses prepared me for my stay. Cara identified herself as my care nurse and began all her intake procedures which she has probably done a thousand times. This is when the magic happened. Cara has that unique combination of extreme professionalism and a disarming empathetic personality. It was this combination that helped diminish my anxiety and comforted me that I was in good hands and that we were doing this together and I was not alone. In all professions, not everyone has that "it" factor. I was blessed that I was fortunate enough to be supported by Cara. I have a calmness now instead of feeling panicked. This is all attributable to Cara with that awesome personality. Cara is extraordinary and many can learn from her just by her presence and patient interaction. Thank you for the opportunity to nominate this well-deserved professional.