Cara Stawicki
December 2023
Froedtert Health
West Bend
United States




Cara kept me so calm and held my hand throughout the entire day. Every single time she entered my room, I felt safer.
I was induced for a TOLAC, and Cara was my second nurse of the day. I was very scared that day. I was terrified of having another c-section. And even more terrified of it happening at the last moment. She assured me that she would be very honest with me for my entire labor and give me a heads-up if it looked like we were heading in that direction. And she was, she kept me so calm and held my hand throughout the entire day. She gave me direction on how labor would look and always made sure I knew what was happening in the moment and exactly what would or could happen next. Every single time she entered my room, I felt safer.

She was never above any work, she would do silly tasks that I'm sure some people would pass off to the person below them. Not Cara, she was up for anything I asked or requested. I believe Cara is someone who thinks about her job when she goes home. I truly believe that she is the GOLD standard of care on the labor & delivery floor. She talked me through everything and made sure I understood all the medical terms so that I was not lying there confused.

There was a moment when my husband had to step out to grab some food, and she made sure she was with me until he got back due to my contractions being pretty intense at that point. She didn't have to, but I think she could tell I felt better with someone with me. She really is a special person, and I am beyond grateful that I had such an amazing nurse that day. She carried such a calmness that she knew her job inside and out. Professional and caring are two words that come to mind, but I really do not believe they even cover her well enough. I am truly grateful.