January 2013
Labor and Delivery
Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital
Santa Rosa
United States




Today I was reminded why I love being a nurse by a peer nurse from the maternal child department. One of my patients asked if I could get a breast pump for her because she was in pain. I called the maternal child unit in hopes of getting a “cheap plastic disposable” pump for my patient to use. I spoke to the charge nurse for the night. Carmen said she would see what she could do for me and that she would let me know. About 10 minutes later Carmen herself arrives in the ER with the mechanical device. This is exactly the type of patient centered care and team nursing that makes me proud to have spent the last 25 years in nursing service.
Carmen not only brought a superior pump, but also spent time teaching the patient how to properly use the pump and how to position herself to avoid back strain. Carmen educated the patient on breast hygiene and instructed the patient to discard the contents of the bottles to prevent the patient’s baby from becoming ill. Though this patient spoke “fair” English, Carmen used this opportunity to explain and do teaching in the patient’s native Spanish. Carmen’s actions were not only exemplary, but showed team nursing at its best. Using evidenced based nursing, she was able to ensure that the patient received the safest and best care available. Carmen went above and beyond what was expected of her and did not “just” bring the patient a breast pump.
Carmen demonstrated our core values by providing excellent customer service, excellent nursing care by staying and teaching the patient how to properly use the device and treated the patient and her husband with kindness and dignity. Kudos Carmen. I am honored to call you a peer!