Carol Del Sol
December 2018
Del Sol
Case Management
West Kendall Baptist Hospital
United States




Carol Del Sol is the type of person every leader should aspire to be. She exuberates compassion, empathy, and understanding. Carol has the irrefutable gift of accepting people just the way they are. She has the burning desire to fix every problem; cries with you when you are sad and laughs with you when you are happy.
My mother un-expectantly became gravely ill in 2016 and Carol immediately gave me the time off to fly to Jamaica to be at my mother's side. During those long weeks watching my mother deteriorate in the ICU and then die was so overwhelming (this was my first and hardest loss to date). My weekly calls to Carol helped me to cope during a time when I felt so alone. Having never lost a parent, somehow I knew she felt my pain. She took the time to talk and comfort me when I needed so much emotional support.
Over the years it has become evident that this is not unusual behavior for Carol, she treats every employee as a member of her family. She takes the time to really listen, which is so rare to find in the corporate world of limitless meetings and overscheduled agendas. Somehow Carol has found a way to make it work; she recently received a well-deserved promotion but in spite of her added duties she still rounds on each employee; mostly to talk about how you are doing and your concerns. Carol is truly invested in the members of her staff and it shows in her actions. She has created a positive work environment characterized by respect, support, trust, and collegiality.
Carol is not only involved in the mentorship and the professional development of her staff but she has brought that motherly love to her community; through the development of an outreach program for parents with autistic children.
Carol is not only a successful leader but more importantly a great example of a human being.