Caroline Mindock
December 2020
Specialty Infusions
Pentec Health




Caroline includes S in all conversations whether we are discussing baclofen, or the cold swabs, or the weather, or Toby Keith (S's favorite). Caroline values her as a person, not just a patient.
Our daughter S, who is 32 years old and has Rett syndrome. Caroline became our nurse approximately 3 years ago after S completed 3 year trial at Chicago's Rehab Institute of a higher concentration of baclofen. Upon meeting Caroline, I immediately liked her. She is warm, gentle, compassionate, and sincere. She and S had an immediate connection. Since S is non-verbal, she cannot express herself with words, but she is very expressive with her face and eyes, extremely expressive!! She literally lights up when I tell her that today is "pump day with Caroline!" she gets a smile on her face and she knows, she understands. Caroline speaks to her as a person. We have had many doctors and healthcare workers over the span of 32 years and some will talk "over" S, or as if she wasn't even in the same room. Not all do that, but some. Caroline never did, she includes S in all conversations whether we are discussing baclofen, or the cold swabs, or the weather, or Toby Keith (S's favorite). Caroline values her as a person, not just a patient, and for that, I am so grateful and appreciative. Caroline is professional on top of all of that, too. She is extremely knowledgeable about so many medical issues, I feel I can ask her anything at all. She makes informed suggestions, takes careful precautions, and is always thoroughly prepared when she arrives. Caroline genuinely cares about her patients, and to me, that makes her a DAISY Nurse. She is an amazing person, nurse, confidant, mother, and now friend. I cannot say enough about her. She has been a godsend to our family, we really do love her!! She has made a very positive impact on our family that we will never forget. I dread the day when she is no longer our nurse. I don't want to think about that yet. She is THE BEST!!!!