Carrie Pulver
July 2021
Mercy Hospital St. Louis
St Louis
United States




Carrie takes care of my baby as though she is her own and I couldn’t be more appreciative.
When we entered the NICU we had no idea what to expect. We were nervous, anxious, and just plain scared. Then Carrie came into our lives. She was the first nurse that helped me to hold my baby girl 10 days after she was born. That day meant more to me than anything. Then as my baby became more stable, we were lucky enough to get Carrie again, and I knew I couldn’t let her leave us again so I asked if she would be our daughter’s care advocate. Even though she is only 38 weeks that was one of the best decisions I have made so far in my daughter’s life.

Carrie takes care of my baby as though she is her own and I couldn’t be more appreciative. I know she cares deeply for her, and I trust her opinion more than anyone’s when it comes to decisions for my baby. She also cares about my well-being, too. I was telling her how I really was not looking forward to Mother’s Day because of our situation and Carrie made sure to make it a happy one. She got me a Mother’s Day onesie for my baby and a onesie with her name on it because another had gotten lost in the laundry, plus lotion, a candle, and body scrub. She is not only an outstanding nurse but an outstanding person in general. My family and I are very excited to leave the NICU but sad that we will be leaving Carrie.