Casey Micheil
February 2023
Emergency Dept.
West Anaheim Medical Center
United States




Casey was very hands-on with her help ensuring my mother felt, heard and that her sense of dignity was not compromised.
My mom was brought in by ambulance to West Anaheim Medical Center. From the get-go, Casey’s energy and spirit were positive and friendly. She took the time to listen and see how she could tend to my mother, who was extremely weak. With the prior shifts, my mother needed to provide a urine sample and a commode was brought in, but there wasn’t much support provided to me and my brother. When Casey took over my mother needed to use the restroom and I asked for a commode. Casey very kindly expressed her concern for how weak my mother seemed when she was checking her vitals and recommended using the wand stick. I was never familiar with this, and Casey was very hands-on with her help ensuring my mother felt, heard and that her sense of dignity was not compromised. That level of empathy was very powerful, and I could tell that Casey goes above and beyond to not only ensure the safety (physical) of her patients but also that they experience psychological and emotional safety. She stepped out of the room to give my mother space to relieve herself.

Throughout the rest of the stay, Casey was thorough in her explanations and took the time to genuinely listen to our concerns and make sure my mother was comfortable and well. While the circumstances that brought us in were extreme and we were very worried and scared for my mother, we could not have asked for a better nurse to be with us through this ordeal. We would be remised to not express our gratitude for the great work Casey does. The nursing profession and especially West Anaheim Medical Center are lucky to have her, and we were blessed with her as our mother's nurse that day. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Casey!