Casey Wilkin
December 2019
Bartow Regional Medical Center
United States




Casey stood out from the rest. He took the time to take care of me. For instance, I was his first patient and things got to be a lot more than we both thought. As he was giving me my medication both IV ports went bad. He had to remove them and try to put in a new one but had trouble. He was so compassionate and patient-centered. He called the IV Team and as he was doing that, he had to do a swap of my sinus. I noticed he put on a gown and mask and he even took the time to explain it was a precaution until they get the Lab results.
My sister walked in to visit, and Casey was so polite to her and asked if she could come with him and gave her a gown and mask and showed her where the sign was located. She was thankful and so was I. He made me and my family feel safe and comfortable. He never complained about all the work he had to do. He was sweating and looked tired, but he cared about helping me. He is defiantly a class act, with a great attitude and a team player through it all. At every point, he stopped to make sure I was okay.