Cassandra DeBoer
December 2020
Roger Maris Cancer Center
Sanford Medical Center - Fargo




Everything is possible with Cassie
As we started the process for surgery for my brother, we had the opportunity to work closely with Cassie DeBoer. Whenever we had more questions than answers we called Cassie. When we just did not understand something, we called Cassie. Cassie always explained things to us in a manner in which we could understand and digest easily. Cassie has exceptional follow-up and follow-through skills. Cassie is very proactive. Cassie anticipated our needs. Cassie is always a friendly understanding voice on the line.
One example was when we did not receive the results of a PET Scan that was taken nearly a week prior. I was struggling with no answers so I reached out to Cassie and left her a voice mail message about our situation. Later that day, you guessed it, Cassie called me back. Cassie had her problem-solving hat on and away we went through the next steps needed to meet my brother's needs.
Everything is possible with Cassie. There is never the response "Let me seeā€¦ I will get back to you." When you have Cassie as your partner, going through a horrible family health situation, you are more than thankful.
At a different time, we were in the solution part of Cassie's problem-solving with us. Our needs were met once again in a timely and professional manner. Cassie is a true gem.
Cassie does the right thing because it is the right thing to do for her patients and their families.
Cassie operates as if no one is watching, she is just moving through, making rays of sunshine possible in our very dark gloomy days!