Cassidy Barton
December 2023
IU Health Bloomington Hospital
United States




Cassidy acted quickly, calling out for help, and in a matter of seconds, the whole team was there to take care of me. Her teamwork with the Midwife is what saved me.
Have you ever felt like you had a Guardian Angel at your bedside in the hospital? On the night of my sweet R's birthday, I had a Guardian Angel by my side and her name was Cassidy. Let me tell you God put her as my nurse for a reason. We had a near-perfect birth for our sweet girl R and made it to our postpartum room just before shift change. As she introduced herself, I knew there was something special about this nurse. Cassidy was attentive and compassionate as she walked me through my earliest hours of motherhood. As a first-time mom, everything was so new to me, and Cassidy made me feel like I could do anything. However, around midnight, I had one of the scariest experiences of my life, a postpartum hemorrhage. Cassidy acted quickly, calling out for help, and in a matter of seconds, the whole team was there to take care of me. Her teamwork with the Midwife is what saved me. Cassidy never left my side and acted on this critical situation like she had done it hundreds of times. After I was stabilized, my husband and I couldn't believe what had just happened. However, we knew if anything else would happen, Cassidy would act quickly and make sure that I received the best care that I deserved.

Cassidy was the one to take me to the bathroom throughout the entire night. At one point in the middle of the night, I told her how good of a job I thought she did with the postpartum hemorrhage and come to find out that I was actually her first patient with a postpartum hemorrhage. I was shocked, and as a clinical advisor, I was so proud of her for stepping up to the plate and not letting any of her anxiety and fear show through. There is so much time that goes into a postpartum hemorrhage with frequent checks and vital signs.. Cassidy always came into my room with a smiling face and a willingness to do anything I needed. At one point, when R was crying, she came in to hold her for a few minutes to help give us a little break. What a small blessing that was for two new parents who were sleep-deprived.

Sweet Cassidy visited us on our last night at the hospital in her street clothes. My husband and I were shocked, and it truly showed me how much she cared about sweet R and me. Going out of your way to check in on patients shows the true extraordinary compassion she has for her patients. Cassidy, thank you for your compassionate care. Although my birth plan definitely didn't go to plan, I feel that you played a huge part in making me feel safe.