Cassidy Culbreth
July 2021
Lakeland Regional Health
United States




This has been one of the worst experiences I will ever go through, but Cassidy is someone who went above and beyond for our family and for my husband.
My father is an 85-year-old veteran, incredibly strong and moody normally. When he was unexpectedly admitted to the hospital, he began the decline of life and was living out his worst nightmare, which was being in the hospital. He was an incredibly agitated and difficult patient for the first 72 hours, probably worse than most. Our nurse Cassidy made our experience bearable. She treated him with such kindness and care all of the time. She was so attentive to me and my mother throughout the experience. She shared her kindest words constantly, even though the hospital was full, and she was overwhelmed.

Even after we were transferred to another room, she still came back to visit my dad and hug my mom. She is by far the most amazing nurse that I will never forget. Even towards the end, my dad enjoyed seeing her and he doesn’t like most people. She is amazing and we will always remember everything she did for us, said to us, and prepared us for.

As she said, “It’s the quality of time we have left, not the quantity.” Thank you, Cassidy.


My husband was admitted to the hospital on a Monday. Little did we know that this would be the beginning of the end. My husband despised hospitals, would have rather anything else but be there. Due to his dementia, he was an extremely difficult patient, incredibly agitated, combative, and everything imaginable. Cassidy was the only positive that came out of a week-long, awful situation. She was always so attentive to me and my family even in her busiest moments. She was so kind and so patient, my husband even enjoyed her which is not usual for him. She never showed frustration, never ever showed she was annoyed, she just always made us feel at ease and like she wanted to help. She spoke the kindest words to me when we found out his diagnosis. She told us that is it the quality of time, not the quantity of time left that mattered. Even days after her days off, she came and found us and offered us so much sympathy and care. She gave us all such unconditional support and even followed us down the hall as hospice rolled my husband out. This has been one of the worst experiences I will ever go through, but Cassidy is someone who went above and beyond for our family and for my husband. She is someone we will not forget. She is not only an exceptional nurse but a shining light in the world of hospitals.