Cassie Calvello
July 2022
Labor and Delivery
Elmhurst Hospital
United States




Cassie was there every time I was struggling. It did not matter if it was nearing a shift change, she stayed, she sat, and she comforted. She did all the right things.
Cassie not only treated my wife and son while they were both recovering after his birth. She did top-notch medical work, personally, more importantly, she also helped me, my wife, and our kids through an emotional roller coaster. She treated me, my children, and our family as we await the news of a formal genetic diagnosis. She was the best person to help us during this difficult time. She helped my wife and me be able to be parents for all our children, even if her patients were my wife and one of my 4 children.

Parents are supposed to be strong for their children. Cassie provided strength to me while I was my weakest as a parent. That day, I'm going into the maternity ward thinking "I got this." My wife and I will be welcoming our 4th child. We've been through it all with the three prior deliveries. My son W is born and immediately, I'm in love. Then we heard the words that gave me the biggest shock of my life, "we have to send some tests for genetic studies, to confirm a diagnosis of down syndrome." I'm in shock. I experience every emotion conceivable. Fear, Sadness, Anger, Guilt. I grieved my lost expectation of what the future held versus my new likely reality. Then I was stuck in limbo, not knowing what the future will hold. I cried a lot. Then I look at my wife. She is probably going through the same emotional process. She is doubting herself as a good mother (she has been the best mother there is for the past 11 years). She is the strongest person I know, and I am seeing her weakness at that moment. I want to vomit. How do I help her? How do I balance helping her, wanting to be there with W, and making sure my three older kids have normalcy with seeing at least one of their parents? How can I leave my wife, my rock, at her weakest? I can't leave her like this and tend to my other children.

Cassie knew exactly what to do, how to do, and how to listen to us. Her presence, her actions, and her compassion enabled me to be there for my wife and all my children. I was able to comfortably leave my wife (who is probably experiencing the same emotions but heavier than me) knowing Cassie was there for her.

The above does not even begin to explain how wonderful Cassie was. I am just drained emotionally, and physically that I can no longer think straight. W is still in the Special Care Nursery. Once I am recovered, I will write the thank you that Cassie deserves. 


Hello! My husband shared his perspective of our story in December but I wanted to take the time to share mine. Our sweet W was born at Elmhurst in December. Although he was full term, the circumstances of his arrival changed which initiated many fears and anxious feelings. I am extremely grateful for the compassion shown to me during this time by the Elmhurst Hospital staff. The doctor spoke with me when the decision was made by phone, talked through all my questions and concerns, and changed his schedule to be the secondary doctor at the delivery. This action meant the world to me because he had delivered my first 3 kids and been my doctor through many issues. This helped calm some of my anxiety leading up to the delivery. Dr. Z worked diligently to calm me for the c-section and safely delivered my beautiful boy. The NICU team checked him and brought him to us. It was an overwhelming feeling of love and joy welcoming our 4th baby to our crew. When the doctor made her rounds the next afternoon, she said the words no parent wants to hear. “I recommend genetic testing.” Her professionalism and compassion during a difficult recommendation were appreciated. Upon the recommendation, the whole staff from behavioral health to custodial staff were kind. Awaiting the results, fear for my little boy’s future grew. Overwhelming feelings of concern grew. I worried about how the world would treat him if the results indicated a genetic disorder. But every person who walked into the room said the right thing. Congratulations! He is lovely! How exciting! Oh, number 4! I appreciate Nurse T who met with us many times to share her experiences. When I asked her when and how I could forgive myself, she said “never because you didn’t do anything” and assured me, “He is perfect and the baby you didn’t know you needed.”

Let me tell you: a confirmed Trisomy 21 test and 6 months later - she was absolutely correct! W spent 8 days in the Special Care Nursery. The team loved and cared for him, listened to my concerns, and let me recover. This was my third round in the nursery but it did not make moving a baby with wires any easier. They were always there to bring him to me and return him to his bed. They knew the oxygen alarms were causing worry and silenced them. They made sure he was the best-dressed kid! Dr. F was attentive and honest during his stay. He explained his decision to not request testing at birth and that it was the right call. I also want to recognize the Patient Tech (I think her name was T but I can't remember) who gave his first bath and ensured to get me a few photos. Everyone truly went above and beyond.

This message is to recognize the work of one individual, nurse Cassie Calvello. When I had my older son in September of 2019, Cassie was my main nurse following the c-section. He spent most of his hospital stay in the Special Care Nursery. Whenever I was due for an assessment or medication, Cassie would check my room and then go to the nursery ensuring I could stay with him and bond. I had so much appreciation for her. Little did I know, our paths would cross again. During my recovery, the nurses rotated and Cassie stepped in to help cover. As soon as I saw her, I remembered her and felt a sense of relief and calm. The first 24 hours with W were amazing but once the recommendation for testing came, my fears and anxious feelings returned.

I was overwhelmed, scared and unsure how to be a parent of 4 kids knowing that one may need more. Cassie was there every time I was struggling. It did not matter if it was nearing a shift change, she stayed, she sat, and she comforted. She did all the right things. She asked me to focus on the positive things I had done that day and praised my responses even when it was taking a shower. When I felt guilty for having her change all his diapers, she assured me it was normal. At the next diaper change, she asked me to help her. I realize now it was a sneaky trick to build my confidence. She listened to my husband and considered his needs by involving him in the conversation. Cassie made sure the night shift and Special Care Nursery nurses were all informed of my needs which I appreciated because I didn’t have to retell everything while still processing my emotions.

During my stay, I knew Cassie always had my and W’s best interest. About an hour before I was getting discharged, I asked Cassie if W needed to be “warmed” up again because he was not maintaining temperature and his low food intake should be looked at one more time. She professionally expressed the same concern and was following up with Dr. C. This one decision led to his 8-day stay at the Special Care Nursery which allowed monitoring of different situations. If Cassie did not listen, it could have led to a very serious condition. This was also important to me because it kept W in Elmhurst, not Naperville, keeping him closer to home.

Even though I was discharged, if Cassie was working, she checked on us in the nursery. Cassie’s care for me and W went above and beyond. I am extremely grateful for her compassion, trust, respect, and the relationship she built with my family, which she permanently joined that day. She deserves every recognition available because she represents the definition of a nurse. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express all this in more than 500 words! Cassie (and EMH) are truly the best and we are grateful for all the care given to us over the years!