Cassie Momenpour
May 2022
Andalusia Health
United States




Even after Mom left the ICU, Cassie would still ask about how she was recovering.
Cassie was my mother's nurse while she was at AH. Mom is a very independent woman and doesn’t like being taken care of. She likes to be the caregiver, not the receiver. Cassie was just absolutely amazing with her and never complained about the number of times she had to come help mom up to go to the bathroom or help her eat or anything that she needed.

She came when mom called her and always had a smile on her face and a sunny disposition. She never acted like she didn't have time or had too many patients. Cassie went above and beyond to make sure Mom didn't think of herself as an imposition. Even after Mom left the ICU, Cassie would still ask about how she was recovering. Cassie is exactly the kind of nurse we need more of.