Cathy Scyphers
November 2020
Emergency Room
Johnston Memorial Hospital




Should one of my family members need to be seen in the ED, I'd want Cathy to be the one to care for them.
I've watched Cathy for a while now and have always been impressed with the way she conducts herself as a nurse professional and as a team member. She is always willing to go above and beyond what is expected of her.
One day I was doing front door screening and witnessed her kind and compassionate heart with an elderly gentleman that was coming over from the Medical Plaza Building to do some tests at the hospital.
Cathy and a couple of her co-workers were coming out front to pick up their lunch delivery. I saw Cathy tell her coworkers to go on without her and she went to the check on an elderly gentleman. He had apparently stumbled on the curb (out of my line of sight) and was bleeding from his fingers. She asked him if he wanted her to clean him up and the gentleman didn't want to be fussed over. Well, she insisted that he come in so she could clean him up and bandage him before he went to do his test.
When she came back out with him all cleaned up, she told him, "If you don't feel well after your tests, come back to the emergency room and I'll take care of you." The gentleman was thankful and went on his way.
She let us know that "should he come back and need to come to the emergency room, call me and I'll take care of him."
As I witnessed this act of care and compassion for someone that wasn't even her patient, it just makes my heart happy to know that she works at JMH. Should one of my family members need to be seen in the ED, I'd want her to be the one to care for them.
Thank you for letting me witness your kindness and compassion.