Caylee Bridges
December 2023
Medical Surgical Unit
AdventHealth Waterman
United States




God sent me an angel named Caylee Bridges.
Caylee entered my room in the evening, the second night I was there, and found me in tears. My emotions were high, due to my recent stroke, and it was a very vulnerable time for me. She was so comforting and encouraging she helped to settle my emotions. She gave me a hug and continued to check on me each evening until I moved to the inpatient therapy wing at Waterman. We talked about me playing pickleball two days before the stroke and much to my surprise she brought me a Christmas ornament of pickles, it hangs on the tree now as part of a memory of a caring, thoughtful, and compassionate nurse. when I needed her, God sent me an angel named Caylee Bridges. I would expect that she is this way with all her patients, as this is her true calling and nature. She is the true embodiment of the DAISY Award. Love you Caylee and thank you!