May 2020
Kaiser Permanente Westside Medical Center
United States




Chad has done an excellent job of uplifting peoples' spirits during this time of uncertainty and fear.

Chad came to work with us at Kaiser just about 1 year ago. From the very first night I worked with Chad, I knew the ICU was in good hands with him. He comes from OHSU where he has a vast knowledge of the ICU population, nursing, how to interact with staff, and be a leader. He has a calming presence about him in which one can't help but immediately feel secure. Every night I work and I see Chad is on, I know it will be a good one.

One scenario in particular, when Chad demonstrated extraordinary care, was the relationship he developed with our first COVID+ patient here at KMC. Patient X has been here at KWMC for 2 months now. From the very beginning, Chad developed an empathetic relationship with the patient, giving him nightly "pep talks", praying for him, playing him special music he liked, and helping the staff turn him to ensure not a single pressure ulcer developed.

Due to the pandemic situation our no visitor policy was strictly enforced and Patient X couldn't have any visitors. Chad made sure to do facetime calls to the patient's home, gave him extra attention, visits and was his biggest cheerleader. It is now time to start thinking of Patient X's discharge from the hospital. Chad is arranging for a taco food truck if allowed and a Mariachi band (this is Patient X's favorite type of music) to play for the patient and his family, friends, staff in the parking lot once Patient X is outside for the first time. He is so proud of the huge hurdle Patient X overcame and he can't wait until he sees him take his first breath of fresh air.

In my 15 years of being an RN I can't think of a time a discharge will ever be so happily celebrated. Chad beams with pride when he speaks of this patient and it is truly heartwarming to see. Chad is also an excellent leader for the ICU staff. He has done an excellent job of uplifting peoples' spirits during this time of uncertainty and fear. He has turned the work area the ICU RNs use to care for COVID patients into an area of laughs, smiles, humor, and listening. He always has light music playing and a cute display of animals up on the screen in the ICU workroom to help staff de-stress. Not to mention the food! There always seems to be enough snacks to feed an army.

Chad is also known to pick up frequent overtime shifts and every night he works he makes sure all his staff has an uninterrupted lunch. As ICU charge RN he is an in-house code responder. The staff on the other units have the utmost trust in Chad when he responds to a code. They appreciate Chad's attention to detail, his wide knowledge of nursing, and his calm bedside manner. I can't speak highly enough of Chad as a person and as a nurse.