Charlie King
July 2024
Ballad Health: Smyth County Community Hospital
United States




Charlie's instinctive move to sit beside the patient's stretcher, creating a personal connection and opening communication, is a true testament to his empathy and care. 
Charlie's upbeat, energetic attitude is contagious and creates a healing environment for his patients and coworkers.  It seems Charlie knows no stranger and often greets visitors and other team members of Ballad in the café with a friendly smile and Hello.  The OR team provides helping hands to different departments during a decrease in OR schedule volumes.  On such a day, Charlie was helping sit with a patient in the emergency department, providing suicide precautions.  The charge nurse of the ED complimented Charlie on just one example of caring.

The charge nurse commented, "Charlie is awesome.  He is turning these people's lives around.  He doesn't just sit; he sits next to the patient and talks to them about everything."  Charlie relieved a TM who was sitting outside this particular patient's door, providing 1:1 suicide precautions to maintain the patient's safety while in our facility.  Charlie's instinctive move to sit beside the patient's stretcher, creating a personal connection and opening communication, is a true testament to his empathy and care. 

Charlie's impact is not limited to his interactions with patients. He also demonstrates the same caring to his team members. He can be seen encouraging and motivating them during difficult personal experiences and everyday work stress.  His big smile is a constant source of inspiration and lifts the spirits of everyone around him.