Chelsea Hayes
December 2020
5th Floor/Med-Surg
Ascension Seton Williamson




Chelsea had gone over my chart and situation. She cared and listened! I got immediate changes with meds, etc. and within 6-8 hours, they got my pain back under control.
I was taken to Seton Wilco ER in Round Rock, TX, and diagnosed with pancreatitis in extreme pain. Was checked into the hospital after ER did a CT scan. ER was able to get the pain under control. After I moved to a room the 1st night, things got behind at the nurses' station and the hospital was full. I stayed up all night again with extreme pain back on top of me. All night they couldn't get it down at all. I was now going into day 4 of no sleep and extreme pain.
At 7 am shift change I was introduced to my new nurse, Chelsea Hayes. She listened to me. We got the day Dr. on charge starting to make rounds, however before he met me, Chelsea had gone over my chart and situation. She cared and listened! I got immediate changes with meds, etc. and within 6-8 hours, they got my pain back under control. I had been up all night suffering and crying - no fault of the hospital.
The bottom line, nurses have a lot to do, busy, and just go through the process. But not Chelsea Hayes. She listened to the patient, cared, and passed info to the only person who could make changes, the Dr. That is hard to find in these days and times. Chelsea Hayes is a special nurse in the right profession and Seton Wilco, and especially us patients, are blessed to have her.
Thanks so much.
P.S. And this is only the first of much, much more of her 2 shifts (13 hours each) with me and my stay.