Cherry R Cabreros
April 2023
Cherry R
Halekala East
Maui Memorial Medical Center
United States




While all the care I received was top-shelf from Doctors, nurses, and specialists, Cherry stood out from everyone on the nursing staff.
I was recently a patient of Maui Memorial. Cherry was the nurse assigned to me on numerous shifts. I was admitted with chest pains, arrhythmia of the heart, erratic blood pressure, and eventually diagnosed with pericardial effusion. I also arrived with an abdominal feeding tube with nothing to be taken orally. I was a patient for six days and five nights. While all the care I received was top-shelf from Doctors, nurses, and specialists, Cherry stood out from everyone on the nursing staff. She was constantly one step ahead of my feeding needs. I do self-feed myself, but there are small things that are needed to make the process go smoothly.

Without fail, she was on top of those needs. She continuously provided me with hot compresses for some cellulitis that developed at one of my IV needle sites. Anytime some abnormality showed up on the heart monitor I was wearing she appeared and wanted to know what I was feeling, and if she was tied up with another patient, a co-worker would check and let me know she would be by shortly. When I was ready to be discharged she got me through the process seamlessly and without a hitch. I never saw her without a smile on her face or without a kind word. And I could continue on and on, but I'm not.