February 2018
The Baby Place
AdventHealth Hendersonville
United States




Chloe put on her social worker cap to facilitate communication between us, the adoptive parents, and the birth parents; made phone calls to coordinate paperwork/consents for adoptions; and brought us coffee.
There are few things more heartrending than to watch a failed adoption. These adoptions very often involve pregnant women with multiple social issues. A great deal of preparation and forethought is required in an adoption and the adoptive parents do everything they can do facilitate the process from their side. Sadly, this is not always true regarding the birth mother.
This was such a case.
Chloe Harden was the nurse caring for the birth mother and her baby. The adoptive parents were on the unit from the moment they were notified by the birth mother that she was in labor. Their faces were filled with the hope that they would soon have "their baby" and start their lives as a family.
As it happened, there was a great deal of work that had been left undone from the birth mother's side of the process. She was anxious to leave the hospital after delivery and this meant that the adoptive process was not going well. The adoptive parents were not in legal possession of the baby without the necessary paperwork.
Chloe had also been working with the adoptive parents as they were getting to know the baby and learning all they needed to know about caring for a newborn. This represented a great deal of work for any nurse caring for the people in this highly emotional situation.
During the course of the shift when the birth mother was going out the door, Chloe really went to work! She made countless phone calls to social workers, lawyers from both sides. She faxed paperwork, found needed forms and made countless phone calls. Her entire day was taken up by her efforts to pave the way for this adoptive couple to be able to take their baby home and be a family that day.
No one asked Chloe to do the work of a social worker, lawyer, and counselor. Chloe needed only to care for the physical needs of her patients but she did not stop until all their needs are met. In this case, she worked tirelessly to care for the emotional needs of those under her care.
This is simply the way Chloe rolls as a nurse. Her commitment to excellent nursing for those under her care is grounded in her work ethic.
This story had a happy ending. The birth mother was able to leave the hospital as she wished. The adoptive parents were able to take their new baby home and be a family. The looks on their faces as they went out the door will long be remembered.
This would not have happened without the tremendous effort by Chloe Harden.
We are very proud of Chloe and blessed to have her on the team.