Chris Weyand
June 2020
Med/Surg Telemetry
East Liverpool City Hospital
East Liverpool
United States




I was not a patient of either of these remarkable nurses, but I am nominating them on behalf of the patients who were not able. I watched as these two amazing nurses took over leading the crusade against COVID. They looked out for every patient and each and every staff member. They explained what was going on and helped beyond measure. I would be remiss if I didn't include both of them. The work they have done during the pandemic is nothing short of remarkable. It was a very unsettling time to be in healthcare and they both stepped up to the plate by putting their fears aside and taking care of those affected by this disease. I watched as they would stop a coworker from making a mistake with PPE, educate those who were frightened, and volunteer hour after hour to work. They both exemplify what nursing is and what humans should be. I am sure all of their patients would agree with me, unfortunately, most of them would not be able to nominate any staff member. We are blessed to have them on staff. Melissa and Chris are true DAISY Nurses.