Christiaan Letsinger
December 2017
Critical Care Unit
SwedishAmerican Hospital
United States




Christiaan was critical for my sanity while he was my mom's nurse for many nights. He cared for her with such grace, respect, and due diligence. He also served my family and ensured that I was taken care of while I stayed in the room with my mom most nights. Christiaan really connects with his patients and their families. He asked us to share stories about my mom and talk about things she liked such as music and room temperatures. Speaking from the heart of my family, we have so much love for Christiaan and how much he cares for his patients, his job, and his co-workers.
While working with Christiaan over a week's time in October, I observed him give incredible care to a patient on our unit. He also went out of his way to ensure the comfort of his patient's family. He continuously educated them and kept them updated on the patient's condition. He maintained a professional attitude but also displayed consistent compassion. The day the patient passed away, Christiaan came in on his day off to sit with and care for the family. Christiaan encourages others, and I feel blessed to work with him.