Christina Moore
June 2015
Indiana University Health Bloomington
United States




My father was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell cancer (lung, liver, skull, spine, ribs and shoulder blade). This was totally devastating for our family as it would be for any family. Chemo was started immediately. There were many questions and a lot of confusion for the family and for my Dad.
Christina was amazing. Her compassion was extraordinary. She told us she had been an RN in oncology for 25 years. She also told us about her own experiences with her father having cancer (with genuine tears). She took the time to answer the many questions we had or to get answers we needed. She told my Dad to rest when he was tired and to not put off the things he wanted to do, but instead to plan for them. She also told us how important keeping a daily journal would be for us. She explained to my Dad that he wouldn't always remember everything, but the journal would be extremely helpful to know when things happened and how he was feeling, and what to expect with upcoming chemo treatments (when he would probably feel bad, good, etc.).
Christina also explained living wills, the POST and about helpful resources. Every time she was in my Dad's room, she made sure to check with him to see how he was doing and if he needed anything. She would also check with any family members present to see if they needed anything. She listened to our concerns and fears and went above and beyond to ease them. She thanked my Dad for letting her care for him before she left for the day. Christina Moore is exactly the meaning of the DAISY Award!!