Christine Cothran
February 2017
5N Medical Oncology
Providence Alaska Medical Center
United States




I am a sitter today and let's just say the patient is a heavy patient for a 12-hour shift to handle. The patient loves to walk and Christine knows the patient and being charge nurse of today she shows a good character of a leader. She not only thinks about the welfare of the patient but also her staff. She saw that I was wearing out already after 4 hours of continuous walking with no rest or sitting at all, so she decided to switch assignments.
Christine exemplarily exceeds in her job. She knows when to intervene so that her staff will not be exhausted and will be able to do their job better. She knows how to boost the morale of her staff by being a servant first, just like this morning she prepared a wok breakfast omelet for everyone.
I always believe that a good leader is willing to be a servant to those around her. A good leader boosts the morale of her staff, knows when to help, intervenes and implements esprit de corps to her department and does no harm.
Salute to you ma'am Christine. Thank you for all your help.