Christine Porter
August 2020
Emergency Department
Ascension St. John Jane Phillips Medical Center




Christine met all my needs with a smile and a very positive attitude relieving the fears that we had with such a bleak diagnosis.
Christine was on duty in the ER when I entered via ambulance. I was listed as unresponsive and low pulse when I was picked up. My son was frightened, and I was concerned for him and myself. Christine met all my needs with a smile and a very positive attitude relieving the fears that we had with such a bleak diagnosis. Her attitude and friendly smile helped us cope with the situation. She had a sweet chuckle that was reassuring as she brought warm blankets, helped my son to get food sent in but not leave the area with the COVID-19 rules, and taking me to a room for an overnight stay. She assured us that the nurse and doctor were working to meet my needs while dealing with 2 emergencies that came in after me. She should be listed as a role model for all the nurses in the ER and is a true DAISY Nurse.