Chrissy Tenezaca
November 2019
Step Down Unit
Danbury Hospital
United States




Chrissy was the first nurse I had when I was admitted from surgery. She spent every moment of the two nights I had with her on the step down unit making sure I was well taken care of. She was there with me the morning I found out that I had to be taken down to surgery. My mom wasn't there, so Chrissy stood in her place and by my side as I cried frantically trying to call my own mom. She never let me feel alone and kept reassuring me that everything would be okay. She even offered to wait for my mom and run her down to the OR holding area as soon as she could get to the hospital. Chrissy went above and beyond to make sure I wasn't scared and never let me feel alone in the process. On the first night post-op, she checked on me frequently. She kept me company when I could not sleep and walked by my side when I tried to gather the strength to get back on my feet. Despite moving slowly on those first post-op days, she never rushed me and always made me feel at ease. She is, by far, one of the kindest and generous nurses that I have ever met. I do not wish to be a patient back on the Step Down Unit, but I do wish for more chances to have her as a nurse.